Monday 30 September 2013

Making Of Dream Room Using Vray and 3dmax


Hi guys this tutorial is meant to teach you how to render quality images using vray and Autodesk 3ds Max. I am going to present all my ideas that I incorporated to render this beautiful scene.

Please note: - Don’t hesitate to ask any questions.
You can put up your questions through comment’s or by emailing me your queries at

This is basically a 3d model of a living room which basically portrays the beauty of natural light that lights almost the entire room. I have even placed a wooden bed with pink cushions that perfectly suites the wooden floor. The kitchen on the other hand is a bit more of a pink orange combination with whiter walls. Adding small details like the lamp and home theatre systems just gives the scene a bit of an edge.

    Finding references:-

One of the major tasks in 3d model making is that you have to visualize the scene in your mind and find suitable reference images that match your idea.
If you know what you are going to design you don’t have to spend too much time finding suitable textures and material and 3d designs which in fact speeds up the process of 3d model making.
Use Google images and similar sites to search for references.


You must make sure that you have set correct scale for your model.
Improper scale hampers your rendering.
Ex- you know your room is 10ft high. Imagine setting your scale to meter will make your room 10m high which is going to effect how light’s and material interact with your model.

To set scale
Click on customize in the menu bar.
Then click on units setup.
Change metric to meters. (I prefer)
US standards and change it to Fractional feet.
Click on system units setup and select your desired meter or feet.


Proper 3d modelling always plays a crucial role in quality renders
Always try to maintain proper topology and try to model with quads, 
Triangles are accepted to some extent but avoid using polygons with more than 4 sides.

I started with modelling the wall of room with AEC objects or AEC extended objects in 3ds max. I have set the height of walls to 1.5m and width to 0.104m.
I used windows (AEC Object) to project the windows onto the walls.
Please note You must draw a straight wall on which the windows will be projected.
Then draw the awning window onto the straight wall.
You will notice that the window automatically drills a hole on the wall to accommodate itself. Great isn’t it.
Then I have created two boxes which could act as ceiling and floor respectively.
I generally create planes to act as window glasses
Then I have used my references to model the bed and kitchen equipments.
I generally create a box with suitable length, breadth and height segments.
Then convert it to an editable poly and play with the vertices, edges and polygons to give the model a proper shape.
To give a neater look to my model I often use turbosmooth and meshsmooth modifiers to my models.
Please note: - using meshsmooth or turbosmooth unnecessarily increases polycount considerably which can really increase render time.


The fun part comes here remember I told you to visualize the scene in your mind.
Now use your instincts and search for suitable textures on the internet.
 You can find good high quality textures at, Google images.
Always try to use vray material when using vray as it renders faster than other materials.
To create materials: -   
Press M to open material editor.                                                                                     
Change standard material to vray material.                                                                   
In diffuse slot select bitmap and browse for the texture you downloaded.                   
Now drag the material to the desired object to assign it to the object.                          
Make sure you even apply bump, specular map to make your model more realistic.   

Here are the window glass material settings that I generally use:-

You must ensure your glass material allows sunlight to pass through. For few textures you should uvw unwrap the model to allow correct texture placement.

                         Correct                                                                                     incorrect


Here comes the most time consuming task. It is the most important aspect of every scene.
In this scene I want to depict the beauty of sunlight so I don’t want to undermine it with unnecessary light and want to devote the complete lighting setup to sun.
Always have a proper mindset for lighting your scene.
I have created a vray sun and placed its target inside the room through the window.

I have also created four vray lights for four individual windows as shown in the above figure.

Here are the settings for vray lights:

For lamp beside bed I have used a photometric free light
With the following settings:-
Shadow: vrayshadow
Light distribution: spotlight

You can try to create your own lighting setup based on your project.

Vray setup:

Press F10 to open render setup.
Here you can setup your render settings.
Here are my vray settings:-
1. in vray tab:
A. Maximise vray::frame buffer
·         Check enable built-in frame buffer.
·         Check Get resolution from max.

B. Maximise vray::Image Sampler (antaliasing)
·         Set type to adaptive DMC

C. Maximise vray::Adaptive Dmc Image Sampler
·         Set min subdivs to 1
·         Set max subdivs to 4
·         Clr thresh to 0.01

C. Maximise vray::Color Mapping
·         Set type to Exponential.
·         Check Sub pixel mapping
·         Check Clamp output
·         Check Affect background

2. In Indirect Illumination tab:
A. Maximise vray:: indirect illumination.
·         Check On
·         Check Refractive

B. Maximise vray:: irradiance map.

C. Maximise vray:: Light Cache

3. In Settings tab:

Please note: - dynamic memory limit must be set depending on the ram memory of your pc.
For example my pc has a 4 GB ram therefore I have set it to utilise 3000mb of my ram.


Now after changing the vray settings scene can be rendered by pressing shift + Q.


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